LHE Electronics > Resources
What is SMD connectors

What is SMD connectors

Speak of the SMD connector, technology achieves pasted on the surface is already in use in the 1950 s

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Introduction to the four basic components of automotive connectors

Introduction to the four basic components of automotive connectors

The contact is the core part of the automobile connector to complete the electrical connection function.

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What factors will affect wiring harness aging

What factors will affect wiring harness aging

The aging of wire harness is the most common problem of wire harness.

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Do you know that the temperature resistance of the pin holder of the connector is related to these aspects?

Do you know that the temperature resistance of the pin holder of the connector is related to these aspects?

The essential components of electronic products are inseparable from welding processing, so welding knowledge and product material temperature resistance are equally important.

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The Specification of VH3.96 Terminal

The Specification of VH3.96 Terminal

The spacing of the VH3.96 terminal connector is 3.96MM, which is a large wire-to-board connector in common consumer electronics products.

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How to produce reliable connector stamping terminals?

How to produce reliable connector stamping terminals?

Stamping process is the first of the four core processes in manufacturing industry, and is also one of the main methods of metal plastic processing, widely used in precision parts processing

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Why do connector production choose stamping process

Why do connector production choose stamping process

As the first of the four core processes in manufacturing industry, the technological level of stamping production has a decisive impact on the quality of finished products

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How does LHE achieve the stamping production of high quality terminals

How does LHE achieve the stamping production of high quality terminals

Stamping process is the first of the four core processes in manufacturing industry, and is also one of the main methods of metal plastic processing, widely used in precision parts processing

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Technical characteristics of board – to – board connectors

Technical characteristics of board – to – board connectors

The board-to-board connector is used to connect two PCBS or PCB and FPC to achieve mechanical and electrical connections.

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